changes (the work kind)

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Last week, I posted that changes were in store for us. The changes can finally be announced… husband got a new job! For the few that don’t know, my husband has been a teacher for nine years. NINE YEARS. That’s almost up there with my 11 years (almost 12) that I’ve spent with the newspaper.

In December, before we went to Philadelphia, he applied for a position with the school system – a literacy coach position. He found out about two weeks ago that he got the job. You’ve got to love how schools work quickly on things like this. He’ll be working with high schools in our county, and he should start at the beginning of next month. Seriously, could the school system work any slower?

It’s going to be different. A different schedule, he won’t have the entire summer off (not that he really had the entire summer off…you never realize how much work teachers actually do during summer “vacation” until you date or marry one….or are a teacher yourself.) It’s exciting, and a little nerve-racking. The position is year-to-year, so there’s always the possibility of funding running out. On the other hand, North Carolina laid off a lot of teachers last summer, so no job is really safe. He is tenured with the current county, so that should keep him safe(r) for a longer period of time.

So. It’s exciting. At least for us….

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  1. Congrats to hubby! That is great, it sounds like it will be something he can make an impact on even more than he already is!

    And yeah for you saving the days…twice! It is nice to feel appreciated!!

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