check. it. out.

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Sure, it doesn’t look like much, but this is a picture of our house earlier this afternoon:

Click on the picture and you’ll see all the snow šŸ™‚

I’ve gotten permission to work from home in the morning (after melting and more snow, some of the side roads are slick. I’m not going to risk my car or my life to go to work at 5.) We’re getting more snow tonight and I’ll try to grab a photo in daylight, since my husband forgot last week.

It’s been a good day! I have a list of things I came up with this morning, and I’ve gotten most of my to-do items checked off…including the “DO NOT check work email” item. Seriously. I had to write it down to remind myself. So what if I didn’t make my bank deposit today? And Dad, if you read this, I promise I’ll call you tomorrow (I had it on my list today and got sidetracked.) Just please understand….I did not check my work email today! Yay!

And it’s snowing! Double YAY!!!

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  1. I love the fact that we got one snow that covered the ground this year. I would have liked more but will settle for this one. Glad you don’t have to drive in it.

  2. Alicia, I drove in the ice, but no snow. Ugh.

    Heather, have any pictures of the snow? I can’t believe you guys got snow that far east!!

    Chic Runner, thanks!!! šŸ™‚ I love how our house looks with the snow! The backyard is huge and our neighbor behind us said that he’s seen us outside more in the past 5 weeks than he saw our neighbors in 35 YEARS. Crazy.

  3. Love the pics….Knoxville looked like that too. I went to bed Monday night expecting some ice on the roads, and woke up yesterday to pretty white stuff. And of course it was all gone by yesterday.

    I agree the house looks pretty. It will make it easier to find next month by already knowing what it looks like. šŸ˜‰

    We’ll catch up soon….lots to tell.

  4. Julez, we must catch up soon. Properly.

    Heather, I think you should start a blog (through blogger, of course) and start posting pictures! šŸ™‚ I rarely check my myspace page these days….

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One Comment

  1. OMG – You saw Edwin McCain!!!! I am so jealous – he is my all time favorite. My hubby and I have been following him for years. Lucky duck you!

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