Christmas Day update
Now that I’ve shown you our decorations, how about a few photos from Christmas Day? I think Jason will appreciate these more than anyone, but I still hope you enjoy them.
Mom came over for breakfast. We walked the dogs beforehand, trying to tire them out a bit, but they didn’t tire easily. The dogs did get lots of treats and toys (Jason’s gift was a hit – need to get a photo of Sophie playing with it.)
Sophie was quite pleased with Christmas:
Oliver finally wore himself out:
Mom and I at Christmas dinner. We have the same shirt and I usually wear it every Christmas. It’s very comfortable…and really, Christmas shirts should only be worn once a year. I just happen to wear my one Christmas shirt every year on the same day. Today, my mom joined in on the festivity.
The grandparents have a new(er) dog who hates cameras. Here he is with Kenny, trying to escape.
Kenny made an apple pie that was such a hit there’s only one slice left:
I made sweet potatoes (my first time) from my mother-in-law’s recipe. They went over well with the husband:
My mom has the most pictures on her other camera. I’m hoping to wrangle those from her tomorrow. Overall, it was a good Christmas. Tomorrow, we’re planning on hitting Lowe’s with our gift cards and re-working the kitchen this weekend.