Currently: July 2015
I’m taking a cue from Julie and Elise and doing my own spin on a “Currently” posts.
Reading…So many books. I just received Jane Green’s Summer Secrets and I’m hoping to finish it this weekend.
Listening…to a lot of podcasts. This is very unlike me. I’m still hooked on the Shawn Mendes album, but I’m craving podcasts to listen to on my drives to/from work.
Watching…Not a lot of television! When my husband is out of town, I fill the quiet with Pitch Perfect (when my boy is sleeping.) Last night I did watch a re-run of Modern Family and then turned the television off.
Wearing…my Patriotic Jamberry wraps. (I love them so much that I may be selling them soon!) And a lot of flip flops. J. Crew used to make a thicker flip flop that wasn’t a wedge, but I can’t find them anymore. I’ve worn through a pair and I would love to replace them before I’m just walking barefoot. Any recommendations for something that’s not super cheap and thin?
Anticipating…the long weekend. And our trip to NY later this month. (Not the city…because everyone assumes when you’re traveling to NY you mean NYC.)
Eating…a lot of apples. They’re my go to snack at the moment.
Drinking…flavored water and still too much soda that I need to eliminate.
Growing…a lot of vegetables that look like they’re on the verge of ripening (those would be the early tomatoes.) I’m excited to see what late July brings us.
Working…on a lot of side projects as well as one BIG project at my day job. My brain hasn’t been pushed this much in almost two years. It’s exciting and exhausting.
Hoping…the boy continues to thrive and grow at his preschool. (We have another option where we could send him in the fall, but I’m hesitant to move him since he’s doing so well right now.)
Dreaming…of a Caribbean vacation. It’s good to have dreams.
What are you currently doing? (Outside of reading this blog.)
I can’t believe how big your little man is! All kids love to play in the water don’t they.