Currently….June 2017
How are we mid-way through June? Unbelievable.
I’m currently…
Sleep-deprived…Seriously. My girl is teething like a mad person and it is NOT fun! One night this week I got approximately 3 hours of sleep and it left me in tears (and crazy-like. I cannot function on no sleep.) Hoping I can catch up this weekend.
Running…Every day! I’m still getting in at least one mile a day – usually more. I’m also doing weight training and while I’m a day behind, I can catch up pretty quickly. I’m loving my current workout.
Eating…Lots of riced cauliflower! I’m surprised by how much I love it versus rice. Who would have guessed?
Making…All types of crafts! But right now I’m trying my hand at some head wraps for baby girl. If they turn out how I have them pictured in my head, then I’ll definitely share them on the blog.
Planning…A few trips! We’re going to be visiting DC and New York (upstate, sadly not the city) next month. And a shorter road trip later this month. I’m pretty excited because it’s been a while since we’ve gone on a good trip.
Wearing…All the LuLaRoe. I don’t even know who I am anymore, but the clothes are super comfortable and I feel good in them. (Plus I’ll be hosting an online pop-up soon – and it will include items from the Disney Collection. If you want in, let me know!)
Diffusing…all the oils. I have a diffuser in my office and I love it. (Colleagues on my hall also love it, and can benefit from my diffusing.)
Playing…on Snapchat with my son almost every night. I don’t share most of our pictures, but I save them. They’re SO fun! (This is an Instagram filter, but still fun.)
How’s your month going? What trips are you planning this summer?