Currently…November 2017
I feel like November has been much slower for us compared to October. I’m so grateful for this. We have another low-key weekend planned, which is much-needed since our house is sick.
This morning while I was pulling clothes out of my daughter’s dresser I found monkey! In case you missed it, I mentioned last week that monkey was missing. We were starting to think our toddler threw him in the trash. She didn’t – she just shoved him under her clothes in a bottom drawer of her dresser. Silly girl. Also do you see how worn out monkey is? New monkey (I ordered one on eBay when we thought old monkey was trashed) looks amazing. New monkey will be going to our daughter in hopes we don’t lose a monkey again.
I’ve been watching Will & Grace, the Mindy Project, Grey’s Anatomy, Project Runway. And a couple other random shows. I tend to watch shows on my phone in the mornings when I’m getting ready for work and at night as I’m getting ready for bed. Grey’s is the only show that I watch “live.”
I have found myself reading more during my treadmill runs than listening to music or watching shows on my phone. (It’s easy for me to stream shows when I’m at our gym in Asheville, but not the gym on campus.) I have a “real” book about parenting that I want to read but it’s tougher to read a regular book when it’s not digital.
Taking in
Fall! Our campus is so amazing in the fall – it’s almost magical. At home, I have a ton of leaves to start mulching and bagging. (First I have to get an air filter and possibly a spark plug for our mower since that died about a month ago.) This is when I develop my love/hate relationship with leaves.
I was invited to dine at Isa’s Bistro this week, and it was an amazing time. Photos will be coming to the blog (I posted to my Instagram Stories during the dinner, but I need to put the photos somewhere more permanent.)
Downtown Asheville! Before I ate at Isa’s, I wandered around downtown Asheville a little. I love my city. I think it’s important to love where you live, and I don’t wander my own city much these days. Part of our downtown is often yarn-bombed, which I think is so fun. I have a lot of photos of all of the yarn bombs on Wall Street and hopefully I can share them at least on Instagram soon.
What are you currently up to?
I’m so glad you found Monkey, but I’ll admit I was worried because you never know with little ones. I’m not up to much except dreading winter. It was in the 30s here today and I’m already wishing for Spring.
30s! No. Just, no. It was in the upper 40s here (and will be today) but we won’t get the highs of freezing temps for a while, I hope.
Yay, Monkey!!!!
Also, boo – sickness. How’s everyone doing now?
And also also? I love this post. I might have to borrow the format tomorrow.
btw, whatcha reading?
Simplicity Parenting. I’ve got some work to do. š