Days of Thanks: Christmas cards and moms #30DaysOfThanks #NaBloPoMo

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I’m traveling at the moment, so blogging time has been scarce. (Where is my driver, and why don’t I have unlimited wifi from my car if I do have a driver?)

All joking aside, I do have a few things to be thankful for.


Day 10 – My mom. Moms in general. My mom was a great help over the weekend (as she usually is) in caring for my son. Little things, like watching him in the play area while I ran into one store for a few minutes. (And scolding him when he misbehaved – twice – in said play area.) She then watched him on Monday when daycare was closed. My toddler LOVES his grandparents. And we’re lucky that he has several that are able to care for him when we need – sometimes on a moment’s notice.

Day 11 – Snapfish! I ordered our Christmas cards through Snapfish this year. I went with a cardstock, versus photo paper, but thanks to a coupon code (RETAILMENOT6050) I got 60% off of my cards. With shipping, tax, and everything, I paid less than $60 for 100 cards. I was even able to get a photo and text printed on the back. Seriously, such a great deal….and they are ordered! So much excitement! (Oh, and that link? It’s an affiliate link. Feel free to check out my disclosure page for more details.)

And as a bonus for Veterans Day, I’m forever grateful for anyone who has served for this country, including (and especially) my brother who is overseas right now. It can be a really difficult thing for these men and women to do and they deserve thanks every day, not just today.

This is part of my 30 Days of Thanks and NaBloPoMo.

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  1. Moms really can be a huge help.

    That was a great deal for picture Christmas cards. I haven’t even thought about getting mine yet. I’m still in denial that it is almost half way through November.

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