decorating on the cheap
I’d show you our Christmas decorations, but besides our tree and stockings, we really didn’t put much out this year. By the time I got into our garage, it was pretty late and I just wasn’t motivated (nor did I have the time) to put out every decoration.
I did, however, want to display our cards like we’ve done in the past. We are fortunate to receive so many fabulous cards, and they get so cluttered on shelves. Last year (or the year before?) I got the idea to use clothes pins and hang our cards on ribbon. I had to get more ribbon tonight to hang up even more.
The ribbon is thumb-tacked into the wall at the top. I had the ribbon and thumbtacks, so this decoration cost me $0 (except the ribbon may have cost me $1 several years ago.)
Our stockings are all alike, which makes it interesting when the husband and I are trying to surprise each other with stocking stuffers. So tonight I came up with the idea to make tags for our stockings. I used a punch I bought last year, and found a gold marker to write our names on the tags. I then found more ribbon to tie them to the stockings.
Pretty, right?
How did you decorate this year?
that’s a good idea. i’ve got some ribbon (and an overflowing card tree). i’d just have to steal clothes pins from my mother, but this time of year she’s not using them.