Stroller Strides in Asheville – and stroller exercises you should try

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Thanks to FIT4MOM Asheville for collaborating on this post! I’m working with FIT4MOM Asheville for a few months as they launch in my city, and as usual all opinions are my own.

Last month, I introduced you to FIT4MOM Asheville. This month, I’ve been introducing myself to the fitness classes and it’s been such a great time – meeting other moms in my town, and getting a great workout in,  all while my kiddo can be entertained! 

I’m going to be the first to admit that group fitness classes have not always been my jam. We have a gym membership, and I still don’t take the classes. I feel awkward and I don’t love leaving my kids in the childcare (because the youngest is almost always crying as I drop her off.) So the fact that with FIT4MOM my child can be with me or in my sight, I felt comforted. 

Last Friday I attended a Stroller Barre class. I really didn’t know what to expect, but if you don’t have  a stroller, it really wasn’t a problem. We used chairs for balance (one mom had a stroller – and her baby slept through the majority of the class.) I like to think I have decent lower body strength, and my legs were shaking 20 minutes into the workout. There are modifications to the various exercises, and it really was a full body strength class – it was all kinds of amazing, and I’m happy to see that more Stroller Barre classes are being offered starting in February, including a Saturday morning class! 

While the moms exercised, the kiddos – who ranged in ages – played happily off to the side with various toys and each other. I think they had more fun than the moms! 

Jessica Maurer owns FIT4MOM Asheville and leads the classes and she is the most pleasant person ever to push me that hard! 

On Monday I took my daughter to the Stroller Strides class. I opted not to load my jogging stroller into the car, instead using our Graco umbrella stroller (it’s a little more heavy duty than your typical umbrella stroller) and it worked just fine. I have a new appreciation for exercising with the stroller, and I can’t wait to add in lunges on our next walk. About halfway through the class, my precious two-year-old decided she was too good for the stroller and needed out. She was the oldest (and bossiest) child in the group, so she played nearby or got in on the workout with me. 

The youngest baby in the group was just 7-weeks-old and slept through the class. How lucky is the mom who gets to exercise while staying close to baby – and making new mom friends around her? 

3 Stroller Exercises to Try Today: 

Walking Lunges – hold onto the stroller and start lunging forward. Your stroller passenger won’t know the difference between your lunges or regular walking. 

Reverse Walking Lunges – Take that lunge and do it backwards. You can do this in the length of a room, or if you’re outside, try for 20 forward and 20 backward. 

Side squat lunges – Using the stroller for balance, you’ll walk sideways, doing a squat with your legs further apart (lunging.) Do about 10 and switch sides. 

FIT4MOM Asheville Grand Opening!

On February 3, FIT4MOM Asheville is having its grand opening celebration from 1-3pm at Launch Trampoline Park! The event is free, and there will be discounts within the park for kids. You’ll have the opportunity to meet other moms and try one of the following classes: 

Stroller Barre: 1:15pm-1:30pm
Body Back: 1:45-2:00pm
Stroller Strides: 2:15-2:30pm

If you are interested in taking a class with a small child, please bring your stroller or baby wearing device. Your child will be involved in the class while safely secured in your stroller. If your child is old enough to jump alone, you will be able to view them from the mezzanine where the classes will take place.

First Class is Free

As always, if you’re looking to try FIT4MOM, your first class is free (just sign up through the website.) There are many classes being added, and this is a really exciting time for FIT4MOM – and the moms of Asheville. 

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