fabulous Monday!

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It’s not often that you hear me talk about how awesome Monday is, but today really has been a pretty awesome day.

I started the day with pilates (I found the DVD I had lost in the move! Thank you, new shelves!) and I made it into work by 8:30. I got so much accomplished at work today. Wrote a story about Pat McGee (check. him. out. He’s coming to Asheville Friday night.) and I worked on several projects, both for marketing, so they were pretty fun.

I decided to go home for lunch (and spend time with Chloe while I worked on my story) and then I found out that I won a giveaway I signed up for last week! This lovely wrapped canvas piece is coming home to live with me:

(And, be sure to check out the etsy site for Red Letter Words. There are several other prints that I love!)

I finished up at work a little later than usual and I got stuck in traffic. It took 30 minutes for me to get home (I live 3 miles from work, so it’s a problem if it takes longer than 15 minutes.) Despite that, I made it home to find dinner almost ready. Oh, and my new Pat McGee CD arrived today. Nice new music for a girl who has had Pandora blocked at work.

We finished our shelves tonight. I was going to sort through CDs with the husband, but I thought that would end in a shouting match (when he gets organization into his mind, it doesn’t always match what I’m thinking) so I retreated to the office.

I may head to bed soon. Rest up before another crazy work day.

Hope your Monday was fabulous!

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