the first of several showers
Today our neighbors hosted our first baby shower. A few friends from outside the neighborhood were invited and it was a pretty good time. I only wish I had pictures (but I’m hoping to get photos from one of the hostesses.)
The theme was Eric Carle (and focused on the book, “The Very Busy Spider.”) The foods had fun names, which I can’t remember now, and guests painted/decorated blocks for the baby. (The blocks were drying and needed to be finished – edges sanded, etc. – before we can bring them home.)
We have pretty amazing neighbors. We received a lot of fun onesies, bibs, a swaddling blanket and books to start McLittle’s library. Some of my family members (who are also neighbors) gave us burp clothes, teethers, a diaper bag, blankets, bath items and the baby monitors.
McLittle is one lucky kid.
And after all of that, I already have the thank you notes written and ready to be delivered. It feels great to be productive!