fitness Friday: What’s next?

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Now that I have foolishly completed a half marathon just 7 months post-baby, I figured I needed to stay on the fitness train.

So what’s next?

Well, a full marathon is not in my near future. And, for that matter, I’m holding off on half marathons for a bit. (I do have a couple in mind for the fall, but that’s a little off from now.)

The past two nights, I’ve gone out and run short distances – as in, 2 miles. It’s been easy and nice. It’s just enough time to clear my head (I could probably use a little more time, but I take what I can get.) I can easily run after the baby goes to bed at 7:30.

Last night, I thought that maybe I’d like to try my hand at a 5k. I used to be a lot little faster, and 27 minute 5ks were not unheard of for me.

Then again, in the next few weeks, I’m hoping to hit up a pool (indoors) for some different activity.

So, short distance running and (hopefully) swimming. That’s what’s next. I’m really looking forward to it!

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  1. I’m doing the Falafel 5K in a couple of weeks, and I may try another one in June. Let me know if you want to run some Saturday (or even Sunday).

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