five things Friday – the weekend is (almost) here!
What a week this has been. I’m so happy that the weekend is almost here. I’m ready to decompress. I have a few things weighing heavily on my mind and I’m really hoping this weekend helps clear my head.
–The circus is in town! I don’t remember the last time I went to the circus, but when I saw it was coming to town, I bought tickets for Saturday. It’ll be our kiddo’s first time and ever since his first zoo trip, he’s been perfecting the word “elephant.” I showed him a picture of one of the circus trucks that I saw on my way to work and he kept saying “elephant” over and over.
–My last long(ish) run before my next half marathon is this weekend! I’m excited to have it behind me and we’re only 3 weeks away from race weekend.
–I ran one of my fastest 5 mile times this week. It was under 50 minutes, and I’m still very proud of the overall run. (If you run in Asheville, you know why I’m proud of this time.)
–I’m hoping we can make a trip to Lowe’s this weekend. I want daisies for our front porch planters. I also want to plant some of our vegetables. I’m hoping I can get some of this done in between rain.
–We don’t have expanded cable, but I still find myself hooked on several tv shows. I love the Voice, Hart of Dixie and Grey’s Anatomy. (Also, all of the shows on ABC on Wednesday night. I LOVE Modern Family!) Hart of Dixie has ended for the season, and Grey’s ends next week. I’ll be excited to get my evenings back. Related: I’m glad we don’t have expanded cable. I can’t imagine the things I wouldn’t get done if I was watching all of those channels.
What do you have on the agenda this weekend?
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love modern family, but we were late to the game and trying to catch up via netflix