Flying high….

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It’s been a good day, a good week, an overall good month!

Kenny and I spent the weekend in Lake Waccamaw with his family – very nice, and we were able to relax a lot, and just enjoy ourselves. I also ran 10 miles while there (read my marathon for full details.) Overall the run wasn’t HORRIBLE. It’s very pretty there, and calming. I love that.

I bought a bunch of new music before our 4-day trip. All Daniel Lee music. I’m waiting on two of the CDs to be mailed to me, but the third “CD” was a download. I’ve been enjoying it immensely on my iPod. I’m listening to it now, in fact. I heart Daniel Lee.

My story on Chris Daughtry comes out tomorrow. I’m a little afraid that there will be an error in it, but I read it several times, so hopefully I caught any mistakes. I haven’t heard any complaints from the podcast that went up last week. Oh, and I’m going to see Daughtry on Monday. I heart my job.

The wedding planning is moving right along! I moved the reception site to a different dining room – and saved a bunch of money.

My marathon is in TWO WEEKS. Today, I received several more donations…my friends and family ROCK. One friend, who I knew in high school and haven’t seen in more than ten years, actually donated $100 today. Awesome. I heart my friends šŸ™‚

I’m in a very zen-like place right now. Well, right up until Kenny snuck up behind me and grabbed me. That’s not very zen thing to do.

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