Friday 5 #Friday5

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A few random items with a few random photos from my week. I’m linking up with Emily again for another Friday 5! (Also, TGIF!)

1. I managed to get stung by a yellow jacket on Tuesday night. It hurt SO MUCH. Luckily, I didn’t have an awful reaction (besides the pain) and I’m even luckier that my son didn’t get stung. That stupid thing was hiding out in the ground and I must have irritated it while picking blueberries.

2. Speaking of blueberries, I don’t know what we’re going to do when they are all gone! My toddler LOVES picking them and only eats them fresh, from his bucket. He’s going to be devastated. We go to my mom’s a few times a week to pick them and it’s such a highlight for him.

3. My husband was at the airport this week, the night after the American Idol tour passed through that city. He happened to be sitting near Idol winner, Caleb Johnson, who I’ve mentioned before went to my high school. My husband works at that high school now. I tried to get him to talk to Caleb, but he just left him alone. He’s so much more polite than I am, I guess.

4. I planned a local event for my university this week and I had such a blast rounding people up. I really love meeting the alumni – especially ones in my area. It’s such a small world, and I’m just so, so grateful for my job (and that it’s been so fun.) It also helps that most of the events I’ve hosted have had great turnouts, and this one was no exception. More people attended this particular venue than in previous years. Go, me!

5. Last night, I picked up the toddler from daycare and when we got home I started cooking dinner. I didn’t want the television to be my babysitter (and he didn’t request tv), so I totally allowed him to use the pot lids as cymbals. He wandered around the house banging them together. At one point he said, “I play song for Chloe (our cat.)” And he found her eating, so he started banging them over her head. When she walked away, he followed and said, “Chloe, do you want more?” It was the funniest thing.

And now five photos from my week. (Are we following each other on Instagram? I think these were all on IG first.)


Finally got outside after days of rain…




A neighbor gave me a few flowers after I was stung. They are still brightening the kitchen.


This 5k is happening tomorrow!


From the garden…and there’s so much more.

**Tomorrow is Stream of Consciousness Saturday! Take a few minutes to blog tonight or tomorrow, and link up! #SOCSaturday

Do you have any fun plans this weekend? My son and I are going to have a PACKED Saturday. (My husband will be home super late tomorrow night.) Hopefully we can get a bit of downtime on Sunday afternoon.

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    1. possibly. I have a ton frozen. I just need to see if they thaw easily (I usually only use frozen for recipes.) That could suffice. 🙂

  1. Beautiful pictures!! Love your son drawing, that is so cute. Plus just all the pictures are so bright and colorful. Sorry about the yellow jacket that would hurt! I would have wanted to talked with Caleb too but probably would have chickened out. Too funny about his songs- my kids have definitely played my pots and pans.

    Thanks so much for linking up

  2. Your garden goodies look fantastic!! I’ve been buying extra blueberries and throwing them in the freezer so we’ll have some to enjoy this winter.

  3. You have to be super careful when picking fruit. Wasps eat the fruit, so there’s always a possibility of grabbing a berry or an apple and also grabbing a stinging creature.

  4. I love this! And yes, no one from TV would get past me, unlike your hubby! And good for you with the kid playing on kitchen implements, you are right that is better than TV!

  5. Your cucumbers are lovely and that would be my favorite. Beautiful flowers and a nice gift to receive after a sting. I love Llary the best!

  6. Sounds like you had a full week. We’re going to spend the day at the beach on Saturday with some friends and their kids. Why not be outside if the weather is good, right?

  7. I know about the blueberries – I will miss them. I miss all garden veggies and fruit when summer is over! They taste so much better when they are out of your garden or are in season fresh!

  8. So sorry to hear about your sting. I once got stung by a dragonfly and that heard like crazy. I think I was just in its way, but I no longer see them as the cute insect

  9. I just bought fresh blueberries from a local farmer’s market by me today. Nothing beats fresh, that’s for sure. I need to find a place I can pick ’em too.

  10. I hate stings- they really hurt so much! Hope the color run was fun! We have one in our area next month and we’re all doing it!

  11. Sorry about u getting stung by a bee! Also I am happy to hear you didnt just cut the tv on while cooking…I think more people need to be conscious of tvs being childrens babysister instead of them just being imaginative and playing. That was good!

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