Friday 5

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It’s another Friday 5 – and I’m linking up once again with Emily at Emmy Mom. Five random stories, five photos from this past week.

1. My toddler turned 3 this past weekend. And one of his daycare friends turned 1 yesterday. They had a little party for her at daycare, and he’s crying in the photos. Apparently he didn’t want his photo to be taken. The kid doesn’t like the Happy Birthday song and he hates for his picture to be taken. We’ve entered a lovely stage.

2. I had two lunches in other cities this week – Tuesday and Wednesday. I drove 3.5 hours each way, two days in a row. All for lunch. I did this so I wouldn’t have to spend the evenings away from my persnickety toddler. It was one of the craziest decisions I’ve made this week (and I apparently make a lot of crazy decisions.)

3. I haven’t shown you the birthday party yet. I managed to pull off a few Pinterest-worthy things for the small party. The birthday cake, however, was an epic fail. I made three cakes because the first two dinosaur cakes stuck to the pan. The third – and final – cake ended up being a round cake. With dinosaur candles. Everyone loved it.

4. I also have another completed project to share soon! I promise these posts are almost ready to be published, so check back next week. This project was a cloth book and I made three, so two are going to end up in my Etsy shop. (If you have a Dinosaur Train fan in your family, then this cloth book is for YOU!)

5. I’ve had a series of blog posts this week that you should really check out! There is a free photo book offer from Shutterfly, Gymboree just launched an Eric Carle line (seriously cute pajamas for your little one) and I have a book giveaway! I promise to have more posts with fewer affiliate links next week. Promise.



Dinosaur takes on diet Coke.


Sometimes you can’t find tape – and it’s ok to use washi tape. It’s actually cute.


Chocolate-y, birthday selfie.


Are you familiar with Hugo? He turned 1 this summer and has been kicking cancer butt. My boy gave his cheesiest smile while also saying #goHugo this week.


Work life. I was first in line for this train on Wednesday. My toddler would have been SO excited to see it, and unfortunately I was just stuck.

How was your week?

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  1. Okay, you made me go and check out the gymboree eric carle collection and now I NEED some of it… ok, all of it. So cute! Thank you so much for posting about it.

    And the whole no picture thing is hopefully a short phase. Mine never lasted too long before they were all about cheesing it up again.

  2. I’ve had to use Washi tape for things when I ran out of regular tape before. I just tell myself it’s decorative. I love that stripe tape you had.

  3. I love when you do these posts. Your #1 made me chuckle. Just gotta love those phases, but they all fade eventually! There could be worse things that not liking the Happy Birthday song. Maybe his taste in music is too classy for this silly song.

  4. Happy Birthday to your little one! And I can understand driving crazy distances to be with your kiddo at night!

  5. Wow 3.5 hours each way. My parents did that for years- hated sleeping apart so they’d drive crazy distances and sleep at home

  6. I’m so excited to see your cloth dino book even though I don’t have littles anymore. Also, I was tickled when I saw those Eric Carle pj’s, and I can’t wait for the adult sizes!

  7. That is funny that he doesn’t like the happy birthday song.. thought really does anyone sing it good and really on key? That is a lot of driving you did! Excited to see the birthday party pictures. I can’t believe he is 3 already! Goes so fast. Thanks for linking up

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