Friday 5: Flowers and cupcakes #Friday5
Cupcakes and flowers….two of my favorite things and they happen to be making a big appearance in today’s Friday 5. (I’m linking up with Emmy for Friday 5 – join us!)
1. I have a colleague who makes the best cupcakes. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll occasionally see me post pictures of the cupcakes. (She sometimes brings them to work for us to “test” and this week we’ve had 3 types of cupcakes for a birthday and our students who are finishing out the semester.) She jokingly said I should be her official cupcake photographer. My boss said that I have an eye for photography.
I told them both that I have an eye for cupcake photography. I think it’s true.
(Also, if you want to drool over cupcakes, you should follow her on Instagram.)
2. Something about this week has left me exhausted. I’ve been reading The Fringe Hours, waking up early, but still going to bed late after doing all of my routine stuff (making lunches, working on laundry, blogging) and something has to give. It’s a little ironic that I’m doing all of this while trying to get through this book. The book is all about using your time for YOU. I need to work on that.
3. Box jumps. I hate them. Faith made me do them yesterday. My knee is a little sore, and I think it may be the box jumps that did me in. I know they’ll make me a stronger runner, stronger person in general, but geezzzzzz. I hate those things!
4. Yesterday, I was on my bed and Lucas ran in patting his head. We had the following conversation:
L: Mommy, is there brains in my head?
Me: yes.
L: are they growing really big?
Me: yes.
L: okay.
And that was all there was too it. He was curious. He somehow knew about brains, and he was fine that his brain is growing. 🙂 Three is a funny age.
5. We’re going to (hopefully) see Monkey Kingdom this evening! Lucas is so excited. I’m working through lunch so I can leave early and pick him up. He saw the poster for it back in December and we’ve been waiting for opening weekend!
okay, now I want a cupcake!
i WANT that oreo cupcake. like now.
seriously those cupcakes were food porn and I was trying to cut back sugar this week. LOL!!! How was the Disney movie?
Those cupcakes do look good! I wouldn’t mind a co-worker like that at all! Yum!! That is so funny what Lucas asked about his brain. Kids really do ask they strangest things. Those tulips are so pretty! Thanks so much for linking up!