Friday 5: For real, spring #Friday5
1. Oh, spring time. How I love thee. We have been experiencing spring-like temperatures all week…until today. Today and tomorrow our high temperatures are supposed to be in the 40s. Lame. I’m excited about the warm temps the rest of the time, though. The later daylight, the warmer temps, the flowers that are blooming…makes me a happy girl.
2. I planted spinach, lettuce and kale seeds two weeks ago…and they’re growing! I’m so excited to have vegetables in the garden soon – even if it’s all leafy greens. At least we’ll have them briefly. (They may not survive the freeze this weekend.)
3. I wish I had more photos of myself pre-weight training. Mainly showing muscle definition. I feel changes and I can see changes (and according to the lovely calipers, changes have definitely happened!) I need to do a new full post on the weight training. I really hope I can keep it up after May when Faith graduates!
4. We’re trying to make vacation plans for this summer and it’s turning into a headache for me. I want to travel to ALL THE PLACES. Yet I have limited income to travel and even less vacation time. So. We’re kind of limited. I’m not sure if I want to drive to all of the places we want to visit, yet flights for the three of us would cost around $1000 – plus a hotel.
5. The downside to spring is allergy season. My head has been hurting more this week, despite taking my medicine daily. I love the flowers. I hate what they do to my sinuses.
p.s. I’m giving away a Moji Mini PRO (mini massager) – have you entered the giveaway yet?
Linking up for Friday 5!
Allergies are my one hatred of spring. Each time I think I’m over it, they flare back up. Blah. But, yay for warmer days and sunshine and vacation planning. We’re working out our dates for our trip to Asheville still. Need to send them to you. And, love love love the photo of your cat! I have one up today of my torte although totally lacking in the detail you got. I need to practice on her more. The “torititude” some days makes it impossible for me to get her to pose long enough. LOL
It’s been such a pretty week! I’m totally ignoring the weather today and this weekend. Just going to pretend it is not happening š
throw a sheet over the garden overnight this weekend.. it should be fine.
I treated the littles to some park time this morning after my chiro appointment & warned them the slides might still be wet, only I was wrong, it was ice LOLOLOL they thought that was awesome!!
I need to get brave & learn the bowflex.
my boss pulled me into his office yesterday “you know if you take all this approved leave you will be completely out of vacation time right?” what can i say? have friends will travel!
Hopefully these are the last of your cold days and then it just stays warm. Spring really is the best. Love the picture of the three of you. So awesome you have a garden, I do not have a green thumb at all.
Allergies are my dreaded time of Spring too. I suffer from them all year but Spring and Fall are the worst for me.
New follower from the blog hop.
A little late to comment but great pics! I would actually like to see a post about weight training. We did T25 for a while and it did help but my weight never went down. Which is annoying!