Friday night round-up
I have a moment to pour my brain out, so here goes. (This could also be a follow-up to so many other updates.)
–The insurance adjuster was finally out yesterday. I don’t think the damage quite meets our deductible, so we may just get the fence fixed and not file it with the insurance company. And did you know that if someone else’s tree damages your property, you are responsible for it? That makes me not want to pay attention to the very large tree in our front yard that leans towards the house across the street from us.
–The rental company was nice enough to send a tree guy to our house last Friday to cut the tree out of our yard and garden. And then the guys left the tree on the outside of our fence, promising to come back on Monday to finish the job. Guess where the tree is? Yep. Still outside of our fence. My mom has a tool that we’re going to use this weekend to drag it up a the street and dump it in their yard. I think it’s only fair. (The tool will prevent us from touching it directly, as there’s a lot of poison ivy and poison sumac in the yard behind ours.)
–The travel insurance company may reimburse us for 80% of the cost of the ticket change for Kenny’s plane ticket. We won’t know for sure until we return from the trip, but let’s all cross our fingers. Okay? Because I could sure use 80% of that money back.
–Kenny and my mom are painting the baby’s room tomorrow. And next week, the crib might be put together. It will come together. One day.
–One week from now we’ll be arriving in New York (Rochester, not NYC.) I’m excited.
–I went grocery shopping tonight, and bought beer. And I was carded. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. And then I remembered where I live (and the part of Asheville I was in.) Not so surprising then.
–I’ve realized that I can’t overdo it anymore. I volunteered with my Rotary group last night, and was completely wiped out by the end of our two-hour shift. And I was exhausted today. I now know better.
–Next week is going to be CRAZY. I have appointments of some sort almost every day. Add to that the Type-A Blog Conference, flights on Friday and Sunday and a wedding on Saturday, and I really need a month off of work to recover.
How was your week?