Age 3 is the best time to be a kid (for now) #BestTimeToBeAKid #spon
This past weekend, my son had the ideal toddler weekend. It involved waking when he decided to wake (which is later than weekdays, but still earlier than I choose to wake on weekends.) He was able to play in the play area at the mall, eat lunch with his grandma and me at the mall. (Chicken nuggets and waffle fries are a toddler’s best friend.) He even picked out a new Thomas train after lunch. There’s nothing quite like building a train track down the length of the hallway…and rebuilding it in the living room so it wraps all around the coffee table legs.
The downside to the weekend was getting a haircut, and when he got a timeout (because he does tend to get timeouts.) He even enjoyed shopping with me. We made a quick trip into Gymboree, and they have got THE setup for kids. A television in the floor, complete with coloring sheets and crayons. He joined two young girls as they watched cartoons and colored, and I was able to pick up a pair of pajamas, two shirts, a pack of underpants, a pair of sunglasses and a pair of pants…to the tune of $33.
It’s a little late notice, but today and online only, you get free shipping and an extra 20% off your entire purchase with code BESTTIME at Gymboree!
I did have a 20% off coupon this past weekend (shipping didn’t matter that morning since I was shopping in person.) It helped immensely.
Also right now, Gymboree has a contest showcasing the #BestTimeToBeAKid. Share how you make the holidays the #BestTimeToBeAKid for a chance to win a $2,500 Gymboree shopping spree! Share your photos and the #BestTimeToBeAKid hashtag on Instagram and Twitter, and your photos could be featured in Gymboree’s end-of-year video. It also enters you for a chance to win the $2500 Gymboree shopping spree!
What do you think is the best time to be a kid? Right now, I think 3 is pretty awesome.
The above links are affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may be compensated. All opinions are my own. (And I really did shop at Gymboree on Saturday. I have receipts to prove it.)