Happy New Year!

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Hope all of my friends (and blog friends) are enjoying New Year’s Eve. We’re spending it at home (no surprise there) and hoping for a peaceful start to 2013.

And I’ll be back with photos and updates very, very soon!

Wishing you a great start to the new year!

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Happy New Year!

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I hope everyone’s year is off to a great start! My dad and stepmom arrived Thursday, my brother arrived Friday and we’ve been enjoying each others company all weekend.

If today is supposed to indicate what the rest of the year will be like then….
…we’ll be surrounded by family
…and friends
…we’ll be taking lots of long walks
…we’ll eat good food
…and napping
…we’ll be laughing. A lot.
…and taking lots of pictures
…we’ll be reading
…and doing boring stuff like housework.

Overall, though, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be a bad year!


(photo taken on New Year’s Eve.)

This year, my goals are to…
…get back into running (my shoes should arrive Tuesday.)
…spend as much quality time as possible with my family.
…watch a lot less television.
…unpack a box a month from our garage. At least.
…get closer to my pre-pregnancy weight. Hence the running mentioned above.
…spend my money more wisely.

So far, I’m off to a good start. It’s only been a day, though.

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Happy New Year!

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We managed to stay awake until just after midnight (I had to wake the husband up at 11:58 p.m., but he did stay awake a few minutes after that.) It was a quiet night with one friend coming over….we may even try that again next year!

Today has been nice. I ran, lifted weights, walked the dogs, cleaned a little and we bought artwork for the living room. We had dinner with my mom, and 2009 is off to a great start!

I was going to start this year’s blogging off with lists, but I was more ambitious in other areas today. Blogging was not one of those things. I do hope to keep it up, though (the maintaining more blogging.)

Tell me…did you make any resolutions for this year? My main one is to take more pictures. I don’t *think* it’ll be too hard. Sometime this weekend, I’ll share an entire list of resolutions (I don’t have many.)

Til then, this girl needs to get ready for bed!

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  1. “My main one is to take more pictures.”

    Need an SLR? I probably take too many. Happy New Year. Sometimes 3K plus in one day at a meet.

  2. I have Canon 40D…..past ones Nikon D40 and D50. Like the canon the best so far…I do need a better lens (down the road). Tell me if you want to test some out.


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Happy New Year!

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While our New Year’s Eve didn’t go as planned, we’ve had a pretty decent week. And, it started with signing up for the Nashville Country Music Half and Full Marathons! Kenny signed up for the half, while I’ll be running the full marathon again.

Can you believe it? Kenny’s going to run a half marathon – I’m so excited, I’m beside myself!

Other than that, I’m still getting over the bronchitis. I looked like a mummy trying to run today – all wrapped up in scarves, trying not to let too much cold air in, so I wouldn’t cough as much. Oh, we even had a little snow on Wednesday night! Not much, but it was enough to take the dogs walking today and play in the snow remnants. Oliver loved it…Sophie, not as much.

Life’s been boring lately, but I think I like it like that.

Hope you had a great New Year!

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