happy tagging!

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I was tagged this week by Mama Sass and my friend at My Life as I Live It with this award.

And, here are the instructions:

1. Copy the image and display it on your blog.
2. List 10 things that make you happy.
3. Try to do at least one of them today.
4. Pass on the award to 10 bloggers who brighten your day.

So here goes. What makes me happy?

My husband. He’s hilarious. He’s always making up songs and singing them (they’re usually about me) and he admitted that he sings them even when I’m not home. He sings to the cat. Oh, and not only does he cook, but he does a good job at cleaning (though he did explain to me that these aren’t chores if we do this stuff together.)

Music, music, music. For the first time ever, I used up my allotted time on Pandora this month. And my iTunes playlist is out of control. I don’t have any concerts scheduled for 2010 and that’s a little weird. Music makes my world go ’round.

Running. For the most part, I can clear my head when I run. When it doesn’t feel like a chore, I feel best. (Training for a marathon last year started to feel like a chore, sadly.)

Traveling. I love traveling. I know I did a lot of it in December, and I did my share of complaining. I like it in spurts, and I don’t like trips that are back-to-back-to-back, etc. I’m not a world traveler (yet) but I hope we can save money to take some pretty fabulous trips in the coming years. I haven’t left Asheville this month, and I’m content with that, but next month….I’m already thinking of day trips. And in March, I head to Hawaii for the first time!

My family. They have their moments, but I really have a lot of fun with my family (and that goes for my married-into family!)

My pets! How could I not be happy around Oliver, Sophie and Chloe?? Animals love unconditionally and while the dogs can be annoying, they at least mean well. (I even love it when Chloe attacks my face when I’m sleeping. Really, the scratches just show me how much she loves me.)

Blogs. I love blogging and reading other blogs. Did you know that I write a celebrity gossip blog? Or how about a Bride on a Budget blog? Now I have my photo of the day blog.

Snow. I really do love winter (though, it does get old and I will soon want it to be spring and summer.) I LOVE snow and although we got stuck in the blizzard last month, I didn’t get to enjoy the snow. We were running away from the storm every chance we got (from Asheville to Philadelphia and back to Asheville and then we turned around and left again.) It’s supposed to snow this weekend and I can’t wait. I want to play in it, and also have a reason to be stuck at home.

Crafts. I tried to take up sewing last year. I at least own a sewing machine, but I’m much better at crocheting (though I can only crochet in a straight line.) Oh and card-making, scrapbooking. I love them both. I’m excited for this weekend. I might be able to do creative things!

Friends. I have some pretty fabulous friends. I’m happy to that I can say I’ve had some of my best friends since I was 12. That’s over half my life. I still live close by to a couple and last year, three of the four of us got together. When we get together, it’s like time hasn’t passed. I have wonderful “newer” friends too and I love that all of my friends (new and old) seem to befriend each other!

And now for the tagging of others:
Shannon at It’s Trickey
Patience at A Reason or a Season
Mendie at The Little Ladybug that Could
Warm Chocolate Milk
Brownies for my Breakfast
Lindsay at Designer Wife
Kate at Simply Said by Simply me
Stephanie (at her own wonderful world – I hope this gets her blogging again!)
Nancy at Voulez-vous crochet avec moi?
Amy at Muddy Boots

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