heroes, take 1
The topic on NaBloPoMo for the month of June is heroes. I’m going to use the term loosely this evening in that my “heroes” today are people I admire or respect – even if from afar.
Since I’ve spent all day long at the UNC hospital, I’d have to say the people I look up to are the doctors (or student doctors – they reminded me of ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ minus all the sex), the guy who had both arms in casts and was wandering around the hospital for hours – I saw him multiple times, and the little boy (under the age of 6) whose mother was carrying him to the car – after he had obviously had some sort of brain surgery. He just looked absolutely exhausted.
We waited a lot today. My father-in-law’s surgery went well and the talk before the surgery was he might go home Thursday. The husband and I leave tomorrow, which is good because the substitute that was teaching husband’s class today quit. That’s how bad the kids are.
so, not a really great post tonight, but it’s something. Today begins my blog a day for the next 30 days 🙂 Hang in there. I promise it’ll get better.
glad that your father in law is doing alright. I hope he has a swift recovery
Hope your trip back home went well. RE: teachers. Erin’s school hired a foreign language teacher in Sept. and had to release her in Dec., she was such a poor teacher, that the kids just took over. What a mess. Does Kenny have good control? I bet he does. Glad to hear Kenneth may be heading home in a couple days. Will he start his radiation back home? Keep in touch. Love, Aunt Linda