HGTV is inspring me

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Y’all, (I rarely use that “word” and tonight it just feels like a moment to use it…) I have a problem with television. I have been watching massive amounts of HGTV lately and I’m afraid it might get me into trouble. I have access to HGTV shows on demand, and I’ve watched a LOT of shows lately. Today, I spent a couple of hours in our yard while the husband had to work at Saturday school (I’ll say it again – stupid, stupid schools) and I started going through my head everything we could do to make our yard fabulous like several in our neighborhood.

I’m going to have my mom bring her chainsaw over tomorrow so we can get to work. There are bushes to take out, trees to trim (we have two more “problem trees” and one dropped a branch that was twice my height the other day, during a storm) and stuff to plant. Well, at least we have places to plant stuff.

My vegetable garden is off to a great start. I had to transplant two tomato plants today, and got the tomato cages up. I also got cages up for the beans to start growing up. My cucumber plants may actually grow this year (last year I had no luck with them) and we also have three different types of squash that’s growing. I’ve also planted a few different types of peppers, which I’ve never attempted before. I could pick some lettuce tomorrow if I wanted to, but I’m holding off a few more days.

The flower beds are pitiful, I’m embarrassed to admit. Only some of the hostas returned this year, the gladiolas are growing, and the trumpet flower is huge (though it hasn’t bloomed yet.) I planted azaleas a few weeks ago, and I just want them to grow, grow, grow!! That said, we have such a long way to go if we ever want to live up to the standards my own family members have set. My mom and grandma have two of the nicest yards in the neighborhood – and mine is embarrassing compared ot theirs.

How in the world can I get HGTV to come in and work over my back yard? I want a new deck, the house pressure washed, extensive landscaping and maybe a swing or a hammock. That’s not too much to ask, right?

And if someone else could foot the bill, that would be even better, because let’s face it. I don’t have the cash flow to do everything I just mentioned.

*sigh* A girl can dream.

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