hiding it
It’s amazing how many co-workers – and even neighbors – have looked at me recently, but not mentioned anything about the pregnancy (even the ones I’m friends with on Facebook. If they were that curious, they could go look at my FB wall and clearly see we’re having a baby this year.) This week, I’ve had three people say something to me. Two at work, one neighbor. The neighbor asked me about it because another neighbor asked if he’d heard the news yet. The two co-workers (not close co-workers, obviously) were polite about it. And I wasn’t surprised that both of them were female.
Last week a guy came up to me at work, shaking his hands and asked (while looking at my stomach), “what’s going on here?” I replied, “lunch.” And then I told him, “I’m having a baby. What else do you think it is?” I could have said something extremely mean, but I didn’t.
The neighbor asked me why I hadn’t mentioned anything earlier (besides the fact I haven’t seen him in forever), and I told him it just hadn’t come up, and it was more fun to see people’s reactions.
I’m seriously considering continuing the silent treatment at work, and just letting people figure it out in August when I begin my leave for three months.
people are so nosey and presumptive! i say go for the silent treatment