Holiday Hoedown – the finale

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It’s the final week of the Holiday Hoedown at the Shrinking Jeans site. Sad, because I could use the encouragement for a couple more weeks. This challenge has been great, though. I’ve managed to drop a couple (two to be precise) pounds while still indulging over Thanksgiving and three holiday parties.

I’m in a better place heading into Christmas than I normally would be. I haven’t had a soda in days, and I’m not craving them. I’m drinking a lot more water – and I don’t have to remind myself to drink water. It just became a habit. And exercise is becoming routine again. It’s just something I do, and not the torture it was becoming. My pre-packaged snacks are becoming a thing of the past, and I’ve discovered a new love for bananas and apples. It’s nice!

So for this week’s challenge, I accomplished the following:
All of my fruits/vegetable servings each day.
Minimum 64 oz. of water every day.
230 minutes of exercise over the week. (This wasn’t as high as I would have liked it to be, but it’s still better than two weeks ago!)
I had lots of positive things to brag say about myself.

All in all, the Holiday Hoedown was a success. I’m looking forward to another challenge!

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  1. You did great! Not just with ending with a loss BUT with all the new habit! It’s been a pleasure being on the team with you lady! Happy holidays!

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