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We’re back in Asheville. Tired from the drive and everything we had left to do when we returned (groceries, laundry, packing.) Yes, packing. We leave on Thursday for Nashville!
I do have pictures from Lake Waccamaw – mainly from the area we ran in and of two baby alligators we saw on our running route. I saw one large gator during our run (thankfully it was on our way back) but couldn’t find him for a photo op after the run. For that, I’m a little thankful….and weirded out that we couldn’t find the monster.
Our own monster, Chloe, missed us like CRAZY!! She’s been all over us NON-STOP. Following us around the house and in our way every step we take. It’s fun 🙂
I have a busy week ahead. My seedlings pushed the plastic cover straight off and have to be planted pronto! I’m heading to Lowe’s after work tomorrow to get boxes for the plants (we have a sloped yard and I think boxes will be easiest for us to do this year.)
I’m also making a diaper cake for a friend. I bought the items tonight and she’s coming over tomorrow night to help assemble the cake.
Finally. Work. I have a pretty big project due this week and need extra time to work on it (it involves a lot of multimedia work.) According to the schedule, I wasn’t granted any extra time, so it looks like I’ll be pulling long days Monday-Wednesday to get it done. Then I’ll leave on time on Thursday, in order to get our car packed and head out of town!
My THIRD marathon is on Saturday! I’m excited and nervous and a little scared. I hope I can blow my time out of the water!
Because of the busy week, my goal is to get to bed no later than 10:30 every night this week. Wish me luck!
With that….have a great night!
I am soooooo jealous