I didn’t even know what that meant
Looks like I have a little time off on my hands coming up. Read here for details.
And do you know what “furlough” means? I didn’t before 1:00 today.
It’s amazing what one email can do (and how much it can change your way of life.)
I’ve got to head out, but there will be more later….
To continue my earlier post…..
I’ve used the word “furlough” in many different ways this evening. I seem to be finding the humor during this very tough time. I’ve been furloughed, furloughing and I need to furlough. My time off will be a furlough. It can be everything – noun, adjective, verb. The word works well in any sentence.
According to my dictionary (which Mai went directly to when we got back to my house tonight), furlough is a leave of absence and was specifically referenced to in a prison sentence sort of way. Hmmmm…..what does that say?
According to wikipedia: furlough is a temporary leave of absence, especially from duty in the armed services or from a prison term.
Again, there’s that prison term.
Sometimes furlough is a vacation. Not in this case, but I have to make the best of it.
My time off is not to be interrupted by email or phone calls related to work. Should be interesting. I don’t remember my last vacation that didn’t involve me not answering a phone call or checking my work email.
If I take a week off (5 consecutive days), I can go ahead and file for unemployment and skip that week waiting period should this happen again in the second quarter. If I take the 5 days off sporadically, I lessen the impact on my wallet for several weeks. Sure it’s the same amount of money, but to think that I’ll just miss half a paycheck one week is a little much to wrap my head around. Oh, and with the sporadic 5 days, I don’t get to file for unemployment. (You can read about everything here, too) If you google furlough, Gannett makes it in the top 3 of the search listing.
What to do, what to do.
For now, I’ll just furlough myself into bed.
how are you taking yours? I sorta knew what it meant. Going to be interesting….in terms of finances and production, of course!
Soo, I was reading the article and this part ” a furloughed employee must strictly observe a no-work rule, not even “reading or responding to e-mails, calling or responding to calls from colleagues” is so crazy! You can’t even read email? I hope yours is seperate from work, or I guess we’ll just be chattin it up on the antique phone. Sorry to hear about all that =(
My personal email is completely separate from work. That’s basically saying if someone from the C-T called me at all during my five days of furlough, the furlough would be null and void. No contact whatsoever. And I get to spread my 5 days across the next 12 or so weeks.
I know what you mean about calls when off.
i think you should take your furlough, and find a bunch of applications to fill out.
I think I agree with Steph.