Independent play.
Recently my son has become more infatuated with Paw Patrol. He first saw an episode last summer at a friend’s house (we visited friends and their son – close in age to our son – is a HUGE fan.) I downloaded a couple of episodes in August for him to watch on our New York trip and it was settled. He’s a fan.
Last week he wanted to be Rubble from Paw Patrol for his school costume. (We ended up getting a construction worker costume for him and we called it Rubble.) This past weekend he spotted a toy at Target and he just had to have it.
Since bringing the toy home, I’ve heard him playing more and more on his own. Making up conversations and quoting the show (which he hasn’t watched recently. He just remembers what different characters say.)
He’s in a fun stage, making up these stories for the pups. We added Chase to the mix last night so now Chase and Rubble can interact together.
I’d been waiting to see when his imaginary play would begin and it appears that we may be in it. I love hearing the adventures he comes up with for Rubble and Chase.
So cute!! It’s such a special time. I’ll catch Isabella doing this too and it makes my heart happy.
Ahhhhh – that’s a great stage and that Paw Patrol is SO darn cute!!!
I love when they start playing independently. It’s such a huge relief to hear – and gives us some breathing room, too!!