instaFriday – it’s August!
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Where did July go?? Anyone?
It’s another Friday (the first Friday in AUGUST!) and I’m linking up for another week of InstaFriday. This is a roundup of my favorite Instagram photos from the past week. You can find me on Instagram at jaime_mckee. I’m the one posting photos of my cute toddler and fabulous cat.
So here we go. Last Friday was the start of Bele Chere (the final Bele Chere, that we know of.) Kind of related: I have some really awesome work friends. Carol is one of them.
That night I prepared for the next day’s 5k.
The race start. It was cloudy/raining lightly….up until the start.
Continuing with our Bele Chere theme, we visited on Sunday and saw the air dogs! The toddler loved them. (Balls, dogs, water….what’s not to love??)
Oh, there was a pretty wrapping job done by yours truly for my husband’s birthday.
I have a lot of cucumbers this year! These are three I picked on Sunday and by Monday I had picked several more. It’s rained a little this week and I need to get back out and see what else I can pick.
If we didn’t have all the rain, I wouldn’t have pretty flowers.
This kid is such a great stick collector:
This is a teeny tiny butternut squash trying to grow in my garden. I’m hoping to protect it from the squash bugs (who killed my zucchini.) Wish us luck.
Finally. Finally! Last night we attended the taping of “Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me!” I had bought tickets for Kenny for Father’s Day. It was so fun. (It airs tomorrow, for NPR fans, and it’ll be available as a podcast. I’m excited to hear the edited version to see what they took out!)
How was your week?
Linking up with Life Rearranged!
OMG I’m so jealous you got to see Wait Wait! Can’t wait to listen tomorrow!
It was so fun! They didn’t shame North Carolina nearly as much as they could have. (We deserve it.) And they recognize just how different Asheville is from the rest of the state. š
its been a great season for my dad’s cucumbers!
I have no clue what “wait wait” is. clearly, I live in a cave.