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We have a baby! While he didn’t come on time (his due date), he did come on his own time.

Introducing Lucas Edward – no more need for the McLittle title (at least officially. I’m sure we’ll continue to use it a little bit)!



We were induced on Wednesday morning, and little did I realize that I was actually already having contractions. We were pushing by 6:00 that night, and two hours later realized that Lucas wasn’t descending – and his head was a bit swollen so he couldn’t make it very far. We ended up with a c-section that night and Lucas was born at 9:15 p.m.

He weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 inches long. And has a ton of hair (hello, heartburn!) He was also born to ‘Thriller’ playing in the operating room, which was pretty awesome. The doctors all agreed.

We got to come home early – Friday evening – and have been out once to the pediatrician. We head back to the pediatrician on Tuesday for a weigh-in and I’ll be getting the staples out of my stomach that same day.

And now the fun begins!

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