isn’t it funny how much sleep affects us?

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….or, really, how lack of sleep affects us?

I have not slept much in the past week. We’re almost certain that the baby had a reaction to the antibiotic he was on. He was up every two to three hours every night he was on the medicine. (And one night he was up for HOURS.) I’m allergic to one antibiotic, and my husband forgot that when giving the pediatrician my information. Oops. And good to know for the future.

So the baby only received about half of a dose yesterday morning, and he was done. And last night (despite missing naps until 5 p.m. and getting a late start on bedtime), he only woke up once. And I slept 8.5 hours. Not consecutive (because I’m pretty certain those days are over), but pretty close to 8.5 straight hours (I had a 15 minute break in there to deal with crying baby.)

Today I’m programming my heart out at work. Web pages are coming together, and working as they should be. And I can focus. I have had meaningful conversations with co-workers (and my husband! and my mom!) I’m remembering things.

I feel normal. I like feeling normal.

How is your week going? Getting enough sleep?

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  1. My sleep lately has been terrible. I know how hard it is to function. So glad L is starting to feel better & you guys are getting more rest.

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