it’s sinking in

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My forced days off are starting to sink on. I decided to spread them out a bit (starting with the last week of January), so I’m not feeling a huge impact on each paycheck. Got a mortgage to pay now, you know.

I figure that on one day, I’ll just relax. I’m scheduling a massage for that day (using my birthday gift certificate.) The following week, I’m speaking to a class at Mars Hill College. The week after that, I’ll do our taxes. Not sure what I’ll do that fourth one and the fifth one will be spent in Atlanta (with the husband’s class on a field trip.)

I’ve thought about getting a cat and naming it “furlow.” Thought it would be cute. Some co-workers and I are also thinking of having a party at the end of March to celebrate making it through furlough. Gotta have some fun with it, you know?

I injured myself yesterday during my weights workout. I was doing a stretch (with no weights) and pulled something in my quad. It hurts. I normally get most of my stress out through exercise, and I couldn’t do anything today. Maybe tomorrow.

My in-laws are traveling here tomorrow. I hope it’s not too cold for them! We’re getting record low temperatures this week, and I’m just praying we can keep the house warm enough. (I keep things a little cooler, so we can handle the gas and electric bills.) Today I started to panic about a garden hose that wasn’t disconnected outside. I’m just paranoid about pipes bursting, since we’re responsible for repairs now. Let’s hope for no frozen pipes. We can’t afford to fix them this month.

Besides all that, I’m just looking at what I can do to cut some of my spending and earn money (freelancing and such.) Next month will be a true test, to say the least.

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  1. Jaime, I read a great blog about cutting costs and increasing income. He has lots of good ideas – though most of them are ways to do long-term changes to your finances, not “quick fixes.”

    I propose you take up knitting to make it through your furlough šŸ™‚

  2. If that quad pain continues, make sure and talk to your massage therapist about it. Or if you can make it over the mountains to here, come and get a 39.00 massage. I work with great therapists who will fix it!

    Everyone is having tough times. Its enough to seriously make someone depressed. Like me.

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