late night wrap up
It’s late. I should be in bed, especially considering the baby has already woken up once (and he went to bed almost an hour late.) It’s been a crazy busy day.
After a little added stress thrown into the week, I was looking forward to a relaxing day. It’s been anything but relaxing – at least until dinner time.
Last night, the husband and I went to dinner to celebrate his birthday a week early. He had a free dinner at a restaurant, and we also had a gift card to the same restaurant. We got our meals, and two drinks for $5 plus tip. Not too bad for a Friday night dinner!
I have a long list of DIY projects planned for the baby’s first birthday (six weeks from today!) I finished the first project last night and started the second project tonight. I can’t wait to share everything, but I’m trying to hold back until (the very least) the week of his birthday and party.
Today found us at swim lessons, followed by me mowing the lawn while the kiddo took a two hour nap(!!!) We went to lunch with my mom and two of her friends, and then I got to take a nap(!!!!!) before the baby went down for an afternoon nap. While he was sleeping, I got grocery shopping done.
Side note: I hit up the tailgate market with my mom during nap number 1. We didn’t buy a thing. We realized we could pick everything from our yards. How cool is that? I love this time of year.
Tonight the husband had plans for a guy’s night with one of his friends, so the baby and I had dinner with my mom (bison NY strip for me and my mom, chicken for the baby) followed by a walk, then bath time and finally bedtime. Once the baby was finally in bed, I started working on cutting fabric. I’m hoping I can knock out DIY project number 2 this week. I have so many ideas, and I just want to get everything done soon, so I’m not stressing about it the week of his birthday.
And now it’s 11:00 and I’m sucked into Design Star on Hulu.
How’s your weekend going? Any shows on Hulu I should check out? (I’ve also been watching some Celebrity Rehab this weekend. It’s like watching a train wreck.) And any fun DIY projects you can tell me about? Share!
the league is hilarious, but i’m not sure how many episodes are on hulu. worth checking out!