Let’s be positive

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I need to be a little more positive. Things have been bringing me down, and I’ve not been sharing the exciting stuff with people.

Such as….

We’ve started looking at houses! Crazy, I know. For anyone who knows the husband knows he’s not into spending money, and he’d be more than happy to wait another two years before we bought a house. We went out last week and looked at two houses (one total crap – foreclosure – and one that was really nice, but a little too small fo rus.) After looking at those two homes, he’s hooked. He spends a lot more time looking for homes online than I do (yay!) and we have an awesome realtor (double-yay!). I’m thinking that we’ll have something we love in a few months. If husband had his way, we’d be moving next week…and just two weeks ago it was the other way around.

My how things have changed.

Today I found out that Team in Training is offering up the Seattle marathon as one of their races, so we just might be able to go to Seattle in June! This is exciting because of several reasons. First, it raises money for an awesome cause. Second, they would pay for the bulk of my trip (while I raised money for an awesome cause.) Third, we’d have almost half of the trip paid for (tickets, part of a hotel room, etc.) and would just have to pay for Kenny’s ticket and the remaining nights in a hotel. Fourth, we’ve never been to Seattle, and it would be awesome to go before we have kids. Fifth, I’d be completing my second marathon in 2009 🙂 I’m planning on running Nashville and then Seattle.

My vacations are anything but normal, I know.

So, really, while I’m in some pain, we’re still having a bit of fun. House plans are underway, there’s a potential 2009 summer vacation being planned, and I got to watch Gossip Girl again tonight. I’m really starting to love that show.

Work hasn’t been bad, and I’m running the Citizen-Times half marathon on Saturday.

And as I type, there’s thunder outside. We could still use the rain, and I love sleeping when it’s raining. So, I’m going to wrap this up and enjoy the rest of the night (which involves watching the last Project Runway episode, which I missed!)

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  1. I have an awesome day planner, and calendar on my phone. They keep me organized.

    When I returned from vacation I had stopped using the planner. That went on for almost a month. I almost pulled my hair out. Seriously. A good planner means the world.

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