little bit different.

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I have to admit something. I’m addicted to reading blogs. Kenny thinks it’s weird, but I love it. And, tonight, I found SO many more blogs to read.

They’ve inspired me.

I think I’m going to redesign my blog over the next few weeks. make it a little more fun-looking (outside of my website) and change things up a bit.

Someone’s blog I read tonight had a list of 100 things – 100 things all about that person. I may start a list. You might be bored with it, but I think it might be kind of fun šŸ™‚

And, I must apologize to Wordy Girl for bowling while talking to her on the phone last week. I did get a high score, though. Multi-tasking like that helps me in sports šŸ™‚

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  1. You know, I have a bunch of blogs that I read too. Weird huh? I don’t know why I like to read them so much, maybe it is because it gives me a perspective of the outside world. I wish I were a better writer, my blogs don’t flow like they should. What is in my mind and what I write are two different things. I look forward to your changes!


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