longing for spring
Today felt like springtime again. Close to 60 degrees, very sunny and oh-so-nice to get out of the house and not have to use ice melt or shovel the driveway to get anywhere.
I was kind of like super-wife today. I did a little bit of cleaning around the house, washed four loads of laundry (and folded five loads – because I was a little bit lazy last week) and raked the yard – again. The city only picked up half of our leaves in December, so I had to re-rake our yard as this week is the second (and final) week the city will vacuum the leaves. I wish they had picked up all of our stuff the last time…but then again, I wouldn’t have gotten my arm workout in today if I didn’t have yard work to do!
And is it terrible that we went into the rental property behind us and started ripping out their brush? It’s hanging over our fence, and we get the joy of killing poison ivy in the summer. We decided to rip it out before we had to tackle it in the spring.
But let’s go back to my super-wife duties. I brought the dogs over for a while to play in the yard (and house. Sophie has to be by my side when she’s here.) I managed to bake a loaf of banana bread, and get dinner started.
It’s been another fabulous day. I’m so sad to see the weekend end, mainly because I don’t really want to go to work this week, but also because I know the warm temperatures are coming to an end. We really couldn’t have asked for better weather this weekend!