making it to the big time
I joined Twitter over a year ago and for the longest time, I was happy just having a few “friends” and followers on the site. It wasn’t a big deal for me. I just wanted to really secure my name so the other person with my name couldn’t take it. (There’s a girl in Tennessee who is also a runner with the same name, same spelling, and she has my gmail account. Just saying.)
Over the past year, though, I’ve used Twitter to connect with total strangers who have a lot of the same interests. As of Monday night, I had 192 followers. That’s a lot for me. I feel like I have a following, and I must impress them with my wit….which I think is lacking in a lot of areas.
On Monday, I received an email from Twitter. Carley Roney was now a follower of mine. The same Carley Roney from The Knot. The wedding website I obsessed with for nine months. She’s also the author of many books I agonized and memorized for those nine months. The same books that I still refuse to give up because I LOVED them, and I just don’t want to part with them yet.
I have no idea why she’s following me. I haven’t talked about weddings in months. I Tweet mainly about my cat, work, crafts, running and photos. Oh, and music. That about sums it up.
This clearly made my day. I’m not even a follower of hers. Maybe I should be now? I understand people following me because I follow them – I’ve done it, and I know people have done it to me. But I didn’t follow her to begin with. I’m a little dumbfounded.
I feel like I’m a popular girl now. All because of one follower – who is a celebrity in my eyes.
Now if Matt Nathanson would just follow me on Twitter, I’d be set.
I find it strange that Heidi Montag is following me
I find that a little strange (do you follow her?) I find her creepy….