marathon concerns

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I was going to go with an almost wordless Wednesday (see below post), but I have concerns that I need to get out of my head. The marathon is t-minus four days away. I’m getting nervous.

For starters, I woke up with a sore throat. I took vitamin C right away, and my sore throat is gone. However, my face is starting to hurt. The cold-sinus infection kind of hurt. I’ve been dealing with a coughing/congested/double ear infection kid since last week, and he hasn’t learned to cover his mouth when he coughs, so….it was a matter of time.

The weather forecast is nuts. Like…50% chance of snow on Saturday night kind of nuts. It hasn’t snowed here this winter! I’m not prepared to run in snow. I guess I’ll have to prepare my self in the next four days, but COME ON. It hasn’t snowed here! (And if it wants to snow on Sunday AFTER the race, I’ll gladly take it.)

I do not know what I’m going to wear. The temperatures are all over the place, and since I’m going to be out there for 5+ hours, I just don’t know what to wear so I’m warm, not too warm, and comfortable.

I know that I’m prepared, but there’s always that thought that I could have done more. I’m trying not to overdo it this week (I ran a little on Monday and today. I may do one more run this week.)

Sigh. Only four more days. And come Monday I can focus on my next race, the half marathon in DC. That will “only” be a half. Much more manageable than the full marathon I have in front of me on Sunday.

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  1. Being nervous a couple days ahead of a marathon is totally normal – you’ve done this before so you know that. A couple things – at this point there is nothing you can do to make your marathon any better from a training/running standpoint, so if you don’t feel well later this week, don’t run. If you can get in to the doc for some antibiotics, do it – if you are getting a sinus infection, a couple days on meds could do wonders.

    As for what to wear – I suggest stuff you can throw away or tie around your waist. Is K going to be around? Maybe he can be somewhere on the course to hand off another shirt or something.

    The snow? My guess is it won’t be as much of a problem as you think. You might need to slow your pace a tiny bit if it’s slippery, but my guess is that it will just end up being more wet than anything else. Crossing my fingers that you have good, dry weather though.

    You’re going to do great, Jaime – I can’t wait to read your race report!

  2. what bari said! i’ve never had snow experience but she certain does!
    take care of yourself, have fun, and remember every detail to report back!!!

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