I’ve spent the past 11 minutes on the phone with Isaac from Chase Mastercard. The guy is a moron. I then spoke with John for another 8 minutes. Why is it that my credit card was paid off in July and I’m still receiving bills? They are charging me interest that they forgot to charge me in July and August. Almost $50 in interest, and I’m just now hearing about it. Isaac infuriated me to the point where I was cancelling my card. John calmed me down a bit. I still don’t think I should have to pay for their mistake. Actually, mistakeS – in August and September they wouldn’t take my payment over the phone because the person who put in my checking account information, left out a 0 and the system rejected it – resulting in more finance charges.
John at least credited me those.
Good thing is I didn’t swear at them. I raised my voice and showed I was angry, but no swearing was done.
I hate Chase.