Meal planning and prepping for a storm

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As I write this, I think Tropical Depression Florence has left the area. Honestly, the storm wasn’t too bad in my area, but there’s been some flooding. So far we have been spared the high winds. I’m sure we’ll have more flooding in the next day or two, but nothing to the extent that the coast of NC received. However, the storm wreaked havoc on our area grocery stores this week. Florence didn’t want to weaken, and people went NUTS. Food (like milk and bread) were flying off the shelves, and when we ran out of bread on Thursday, I was a little irritated. People might make fun of those of us who stock up on milk and bread, but for someone like me, I’m just trying to provide lunch to my kids. (Luckily Aldi had plenty when I went grocery shopping yesterday.) 

Our Saturday meal was technically on last week’s menu, but I’m including it here because I have a photo! I searched Pinterest for a white chicken chili, and I’ve made some updates. We haven’t eaten yet, but I’m hoping it’s excellent. When you look at what we’re eating, it’s clear that it’s raining and cooler than recent weeks – so bring on the slow cooker, stews and chili recipes! 

Saturday – Cheeseburger soup (pictured above)

Sunday – White chicken chili in the Crock-Pot (pictured below)

Monday – Grilled Cheese and soup or chili (leftovers) 

Tuesday – Homemade mac and cheese

Wednesday – Slow cooker rotisserie chicken

Thursday – Hamburgers

Friday – Leftovers or out (I will actually be out of town, so it’s up to my husband to feed everyone.) 

Saturday – Pizza for the kids, maybe pizza for me, but we also have a date night scheduled. 

I want to perfect the white chicken chili recipe. What I got was on the watery side, and I want to try less chicken broth next time. Because there will be a next time. 

I can’t believe how close to October we are – and that will bring out all of the pumpkin recipes! 

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