menu Monday – short week and traveling

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We’re preparing for vacation at the end of the week, and husband is out of town for two days this week. Our menu is all over the place.

The lasagna was the big meal this week. It was actually on last week’s menu, but I pushed it off because it was going to take so long to prepare. (It really took forever. Glad I did it on Sunday.)

Sunday – Lasagna (how to prepare is below…)

Monday – Taco salad with my mom and brother.

Tuesday – Spaghetti? My brother mentioned spaghetti, and I’m not sure if that’s what we’re doing Tuesday or something else.

Wednesday – Grilled chicken, salad or a side vegetable.

Thursday – lunch: sandwiches. Dinner: at my in-laws.

And the rest of the week is up in the air since we’ll be traveling.

For our travels, we’re taking a cooler and going to do lunch at a rest area. We are planning on sandwiches because they’re easy, inexpensive and the kiddo will also eat a sandwich (he doesn’t always eat a kid’s meal at a restaurant, so it’s a waste of money on most occasions.) I plan on cutting up vegetables on Wednesday night to take with us. I’m definitely trying to keep it a little healthy!

Do you ever try to bring your own lunch/dinner while traveling? How do you cut down on food costs during road trips?

Lasagna recipe (mainly for my records because I had nothing to go by when I was making this dish.)
Sauce: Homemade sauce. I made one batch and I should have made two.

First layer: sauce
Second layer: Noodles (pre-cooked)
Third layer: Sauce
Fourth layer: Noodles
Fifth layer: Cottage cheese
Sixth layer: Noodles
Seventh layer: Mozzarella cheese
Eighth layer: Noodles
Ninth layer: Mozzarella cheese and sauce

(I had noodles left over and placed them on top. I really needed more sauce to put on top of that.)

Bake at 350 degrees for about 30-40 minutes. Let sit for about 15-20 minutes so it doesn’t slide all over your plate.

Linking up with OrgJunkie today.

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One Comment

  1. We definitely bring our own food while possible when travelling. Thankfully in the UK it’s much easier to pick up ready made sandwiches and cut fruit if I don’t manage to do the food prep myself.

    I also always have to pull out my lasagne recipe when I’m making it to double check the order for layering!

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