Menu planning – fall edition
We finally have fall weather this week. Actually, winter showed up for a day, but we’re getting back to the fall-like temperatures and chili no longer sounds crazy. (Chili and soups sound weird when the temperatures are hovering around 80 outside.)
I think I’ve mentioned at some point that my husband and I take turns grocery shopping each week. The person who shops also tends to come up with most of the menu for the week. This was my weekend to shop, and I primarily shopped at Aldi! I love Aldi because I can get so many great deals and they have a great selection of organic products. (I love that we can get quality meat there too!) I spent around $80 on groceries for the week, which has been a goal of mine for some time! We normally spend anywhere from $125-$175 a week for a family of four.
Sunday – rotisserie chicken (slow cooker. I’ve shared my recipe on the blog.)
Monday – pumpkin pancakes! We have pumpkin leftover from last week’s pumpkin pancakes, so we’re going to make this recipe again.
Tuesday – soup and grilled cheese sandwiches since we’re going to be out in the neighborhood and need something quick.
Wednesday – beef stew (slow cooker)
Thursday – Chicken Parmesan Salad – this is a random recipe I found on something that showed up in the mail over the weekend (a meal delivery program.) I’m excited to try something new.
Friday – leftovers. We’re bound to end up with a ton of leftover food, and it’s so great on Friday nights to just eat whatever is in the fridge.
Saturday – Pizza. I picked up a pizza from Aldi (an extra large for $4.99) and I’m excited to try it!
Extra meal – Chili. If we have something that doesn’t work out, chili moves into its slot.
So aside from the pizza, everything else is relatively healthy. My husband and I are still focused on eating wholesome and somewhat healthy food, and I feel like we’re nailing it with our dinner menu. Keep in mind, we make enough for leftovers for the next day’s lunch. And our breakfasts are usually the same. He makes eggs or omelets and I eat oatmeal.
As for snacks, I stocked up on apples and grapes and bananas. My kids LOVE apples, and we’re lucky that they’re still on sale right now.
In case you’ve missed it, I reviewed the Rubbermaid FreshWorks containers and I have a giveaway going on for a few more days. (GO ENTER!) The containers are simply amazing, and I have produce in them right now.
What’s on your menu this week?
In case you missed it, I have a slow cooker dinner roundup. As we head into winter, I try to use my Crock-pot as much as possible!