Mile a day May – week 3 #mileadayMay

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Week three of the mile a day challenge, and I’ve managed to keep it up!

Monday – A lot of walking in my yard (mowing.)

Tuesday – 3.53 miles on my lunch run. (Below: My view from my run.)


Wednesday – 2 miles on the treadmill

Thursday – 4 miles on the elliptical

Friday – 1-mile walk in my neighborhood

Saturday – 2.25 miles run. I didn’t want to do too much before Sunday.

Sunday – 9.3 miles run. (I ran the Biltmore 15k.)

Monday – (because this post is going up so late, I can tell you what I’ve already done!) 4.3 miles on the elliptical. Ouch!

I’m feeling good about my mile a day challenge! It’s not always easy to get in a run, but I can generally get a mile walk in to unwind. I also love that my son is finally getting the concept about mommy running. I want him to grow up knowing his parents are active and that it’s important to all of us. (I may add to my bucket list to run a 5k with him this summer. It won’t be for time, obviously, but how cool would it be to complete a 5k with my toddler in a stroller?)

Are participating in #mileadayMay? How are you doing? How do you hold yourself accountable to get the miles in?

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