Miscellaneous Tuesday
I was off yesterday, so today was my Monday. And it felt like Monday two days in a row.
Except that I took care of Lucas yesterday and didn’t do much work.
Our Christmas tree fell last night. The husband and I were watching tv (I was working on a Christmas gift, actually) and Lucas was in his crib. The cat was downstairs, and the tree just came toppling over on top of the husband.
We only lost a few ornaments, mostly some that I painted. Those can be replaced pretty easily. And upon further inspection, it seems the base of our artificial tree was cracked. It was probably cracked when I put the tree up last week.
So tonight I put the tree back up and screwed it into a real tree base. I’m hoping it’ll stay put.
I had to buy a new phone last week. My previous phone had been dropped one too many times, and it fell to it’s death on Tuesday afternoon. I didn’t know if I’d like my new smartphone, but it’s growing on me.
I’m taking the baby with me to a baby shower tonight. We don’t venture out with him too often at night, so this could be a challenge. I’m taking him because the husband has some grad school stuff to do. And I offered.
The baby still eats 8 times a day. I’ve read that he should have dropped back to 6 or 7 times by now (actually by several weeks ago.) And he’s growing out of his 3-6 months clothes quickly.
That means he still isn’t sleeping through the night. If I don’t feed him at 10, he’s up at 12:30. So I feed him at 10, and I get to sleep until 4ish. Occasionally 5ish.
And that’s not me complaining. I’m just noting this so months from now I can go back and remember how hard it was. Because I know it’ll get easier.
I haven’t finished my Christmas shopping…have you?
Amazon, here I come. (I’m a Prime member so I get free 2-day shipping on all items. Love it.)
I did, however, get my Christmas cards out. I sent about 100. Insane.
How’s your week going?
Thanks s much for the wonderful Christmas card. We are enjoying it soo much!
Ugh. I need to do my cards. I’ve been trying to get each kid to write a paragraph for the christmas letter, but they are refusing. *sigh*
that’s a crap-ton of cards!!!
Yikes! I hope your tree doesn’t fall on you again! :O
Wow, 100 Christmas cards is a seriously impressive amount!