miscellany Monday – my weekend roundup

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It’s Monday. And I like lists. So here we are with another edition of Miscellany Monday. šŸ™‚ This is a roundup of my weekend, and just the random thoughts I had this morning.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

–We have several oak trees in our yard. One is right outside the living room window, the other outside our guest room and office windows and another that sits over our bedroom window. Oak pollen is out in full force, and I thought I’d die this weekend. My reprieve is coming to work where I have no windows. I’m so thankful (today) for no windows.
–I discovered water in the basement last night. Not how I wanted to end the evening, but it looks like a call to the plumber is in my future. I *believe* it’s coming from the spigot in the back of our house, as I did a good deal of watering/washing right in the area above the wet basement spot yesterday.
–But I also discovered a smallish puddle of water in the middle of the basement. Have no idea where it came from (the ceiling wasn’t wet – I got a ladder out and triple checked.) It looked dry this morning, but still. Annoying.
–And expensive. We keep putting off other house projects that we want to do before McLittle arrives, but we keep having to fix major issues. (Okay, so maybe the garbage disposal wasn’t “major” but it was kind of necessary.)
–I cut out fabric last night for a couple of bibs I’m going to make. One for me, one for our neighbors who just had a baby a little over a week ago. Going to try to break out the sewing machine tonight!
–I made a checklist for everything I wanted to do this week, and I accomplished about 90% of it yesterday and this morning. I seriously love lists.
–I even have lists at work. And it bothers me when things aren’t checked off.
–I planted the last of the strawberries yesterday (had to wait til there was less of a frost chance. And that’s this week.) Now let’s see if those suckers grow.
–I need to blog about our lack of cable. Channels were cut, and it’s amazing how much I don’t really miss it. I’m pretty proud of myself for not getting all freaked out over it and not giving into the pressure of spending more money for mindless entertainment. (No offense to those of you who pay good money for TV services.)
–Yesterday I was watching ‘Gilmore Girls’ (I own all of the seasons.) I thought I had watched the last of season 7, and that there was another set that I may have been missing. Today I realized that I skipped over the final disc and there is no season 8. Silly me.
–I leave you with this picture of Chloe. She likes to stretch out on the cool floor (now that the temps outside are getting to 80 and above, and we haven’t turned on the a/c yet.)


I sure do love that cat.

How’s your Monday?

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