Miss Homemaker

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It’s Monday. I woke up not really wanting to go into work, but finding that I had some decent time on my hands.

So I started to clean the oven. It was gross. I’ve never cleaned an oven, and this one is *fairly* new. It’s less than 2 years old, so it was time. I continued cleaning it when I got home, and it’s not perfect – nowhere near perfect – but better than it was.

I made a cake for my friend’s birthday. I spent about 30 minutes covering it with stars and it looks SOOOOO good that all I want to do is touch it! My camera batteries died, and I’m waiting for the batteries to recharge so I can get a picture of it. We’re not celebrating the birthday until tomorrow night, so there’s time for more pictures.

…got the batteries charged!

click on the image to view a larger version

click on the image to view a larger version

Admit it. Don’t you want to touch the icing?

I cleaned the kitchen. Not sure what got into me. Oh, and I made dinner, even though Kenny was at BBB (Boys, Beer and Book Club.) They ate sushi tonight. I’m so jealous.

I handwashed dishes. Do you remember the last time you hand washed dishes? I don’t. I even pulled out the drying rack to place the dishes on. So surreal.

Last night, I made a batch of pesto. Yummmmm. I’ve got everything out to make more this week. Maybe that’ll happen on Wednesday.

Tomorrow night, I have my friend’s birthday (which I also made a card for – it’s way cute. Again, waiting for the batteries to recharge.) After the birthday dinner, I’m going to see Gavin DeGraw at the Orange Peel. And, Matt Wertz. Yay for me! Two great artists!

I was watching Gossip Girl tonight, while making the card. I’m so addicted to that show now. I’ve only seen a couple of episodes. Right after that, One Tree Hill came on, and the intro is Gavin DeGraw. Love him. Haven’t gotten hooked on that show, but I soooo can’t wait to see him live tomorrow night. So. Can’t. Wait.

So, the kitchen is clean, the cake is made, the oven is somewhat decent, and I even worked out today (can we say Tae-bo Amped?). It’s only Monday. Not sure what got into me!

Update: No need to be jealous of the sushi anymore. I have the greatest husband ever. He brought me a sweet potato roll from Green Tea. Yum!

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