My favorite deals from Amazon Prime Day 2018
I know you’re probably inundated with Amazon Prime Day deals today, but I want to add my thoughts and favorites for this day of shopping. (Links below are affiliate links. I love Amazon Prime, and if you make a purchase using my link, I may receive a small commission off of it to support my Prime habit. Just putting it all out there.)
First, if you need to try Amazon Prime, you can do their free trial and get all of the deals during this time. Also, my Amazon storefront has a lot of my favorite things that may not be listed here.
Kindle Unlimited for 3 months – for 99 cents. I love my Kindle, and I’m always buying books, but I admit I was intrigued by the Kindle Unlimited. I signed up on Friday and I’ve already downloaded two books. I need to see if I’ll actually read enough books to make it worth the price, but for 99 cents, I couldn’t NOT try it!
Speaking of Kindle – I love my Paperwhite! I also have the Kindle Fire, and I bought the kid’s case for it. The Fire came in handy for two long road trips – when I went to LA and when we drove to New York and Canada last month. I downloaded movies and shows from Netflix to the Fire, and I could watch what I wanted on the plane. Same for my son. I had control over what he was watching during our crazy long road trip.
And while we’re being entertained, my family tried the Amazon Fire Stick sometime over the winter – and now we own two. These are on sale for $19.99 for Prime Day and that is an awesome price. I paid $34.99 for one of mine. I really recommend getting a fire stick from Amazon. One easy way to watch Netflix is to connect an Android box to your TV so it’s super easy to use!
If you’re in the market for a car seat, the Graco Extend2Fit is only $120.32! I’ve had a hard time finding this for under $150, and we do need a new convertible seat. (One of ours is close to expiration, and our other seat is the Extend2Fit which we got brand new for our daughter.) I love, love, love this seat! If you’re looking for other baby products (different seats, pack & play, swings), Graco products are 30% or more off of many of their items. And I promise we have used their car seats from day 1 with our son almost 7 years ago. I’ve loved their swing, pack & play, high chairs…All of it!
So for this Prime Day, I’m buying a car seat, reusable straws, and some Pokemon party items that I’ve had in my shopping cart for a while. I’d love to hear what you’re getting!