my littlest Valentine

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I’m hoping that family members have received their cards (which is why I didn’t post this yesterday.)

A little over two weeks ago, I took the kiddo to have a photo taken for Valentine cards. I had received an email coupon for a free sheet, and there was a special for 15 cards. We ended up with this shot:


(The original photo had props all over the place, and I had them cropped out. They looked ridiculous.)

I love this photo. I almost wish I had purchased more (without the Valentine’s Day portion) but I know we have a ton of pictures of him – many that haven’t been framed yet. Also, this was taken just a few days after my car accident and I was really trying to not spend a ton of money.

During his photo shoot, people kept stopping at the window and waving at him. At the end of the shoot, he was leaning against the window waving and yelling at passersby. The strangers LOVED him (and he loved them!) I’m going to have to request that spot for his pictures every time (we’re usually in a back studio, away from windows.)

I think that concludes Valentine’s Day 2013! (At least, until I attend the concert in June!)

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