National Running Day 2014

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Today is National Running Day…as if I needed another excuse for running. I went for a short run last night (1.75 miles, because that’s what I had time for.) We’re getting to a time of year where I hate running outside. I basically love running in the fall and spring because of the extreme temperatures in winter and summer. I’m a finicky runner, apparently.

(View from my run last night)

So in honor of National Running Day, I went for a run this morning. I actually had time to get a run in at 6 a.m. because my first meeting wasn’t until 10 a.m. (and I had lunch plans, so I can’t run during lunch.) I’m also signing up for another half marathon, to be completed in November.


(View from this morning’s run)

I run because it’s accessible and calming for me. It’s a challenge, but there are some days it’s much easier for me – and those days make up for the really, really tough days.

I’ve been a runner since 7th grade. So many years! 24 years, to be more precise. I went out for the track team instead of other “team” sports because I’m not a huge fan of competition (and I don’t like to let people down if I am not the best player on the team.) Running, even on the track team, was more of an individual sport for me. I got into long distances in high school. I was goofing off in the 2-mile run and the coach saw how easy it came to me and put me in that race the rest of that season…and the seasons after that.

I ran cross country in college. I stopped running competitively my senior year of college (because of a guy) and I picked it back up after I graduated because it was a stress reliever.

Running has always been there for me.


So have these shoes. 🙂

This Saturday, I’ll run my 11th half marathon. It won’t be super fast (my training hasn’t been super fast), but I’ll get it done. And I’ll add a medal to my collection. And another 13.1 miles to my shoes.

Are you running today? If you aren’t a runner, have you ever considered it?

As a sidenote, if you are a runner, I urge you to consider purchasing a Road ID bracelet. I have one (with multiple bracelets if I want to change the color.) It’s important to have your information and emergency contacts just in case something happens. Accidents happen. And sometimes we runners like to run alone (and then it’s SO MUCH MORE important to have something identifying you!) That link is an affiliate link, but even if it wasn’t an affiliate link, I’d urge you to get one. 🙂

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  1. I was a jogger for fitness reasons at one point, but I got an Achilles injury. That was that. My daughter ran for a long time too and did races like you do.

  2. Not so keen on running maybe walking thats about it for me,But the weather over here is horrible right now so i am staying indoors apart from dealing with our animals lol.

  3. Good luck Saturday! I’ve eeked out one 5K this year. I want to do at least three more. It took me 45 minutes to do 4.2 miles today. This humidity makes it feel like I’m running through soup. Very thick soup.

  4. Wow, so many half marathons! My third grader is super into running. He’s run 5K and wants to do 10Ks and move on to halfs.

  5. Thanks for the info, I do not run, but I live in NYC and walk for miles. That will have to count! That is the great advantage to lving in such a visually rich walking city. Although the jogging would help me lose a bit of weight!

  6. And I even went for a run today- yay! Impressive that you’ve done 11 half marathons!

  7. I suck at running. No- really- I do! I look like such a dork when I run and it kills my knees. More power to those of you h=that can pull it off and look good while hitting the pavement!

  8. I got my miles in yesterday! I love fall and spring running too. The summer can be intense but oh the feeling of completing any run! 🙂 so you have so many half marathons in your pocket and I have zero :/ I am sure I’ll run an official one at some point. Have fun and show us that shinny medal! {hugs}

  9. Good luck at your race – I’m impressed. I used to run more often and I’ve let that slip. I need to start jogging again. I do miss it and am out of shape! Beautiful view during your run.

  10. I just bought a treadmill this week to accommodate my walking finickiness! Rain and extreme temps are no gos! But, I don’t want to get off track!

  11. This made me laugh because you said “Short run” and then “1.75mi” …my short run is to the end of my driveway and a long run is a mile. Clearly I’m not a runner.

  12. I’m newer to running. I have to admit it’s hard to learn to love running outside in Vegas… we have very few times of the year it’s not too hot! Good luck on your marathon!!

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